Estudo da alteração antrópica (hemerobia) da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Mourão - PR
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GASPARINI, Géssica Silva. Estudo da alteração antrópica (hemerobia) da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Mourão – PR. 2015. 50 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2015.
Gasparini, Géssica Silva
The landscape transformations developed by human activities can cause environmental impacts as imbalance of ecosystems, soil erosion and siltation of rivers. Therefore it is necessary to consider the pressure that promotes the use of land on the natural elements, to later analyze what are the impacts that the changes may cause. One of the tools to check the pressure of the actions of human beings in the landscape starts from the concept of hemeroby. In this sense, the study aims to define degrees of energy and technological dependence (hemeroby) in river basin Mourao - PR, aiming to help the planning of actions to reduce the risks and environmental impacts of the landscape in relation to land and water. For this, the project included the following instruments: characterization of the study area, data collection and information on land use, classification and quantification of degrees of hemeroby using the proposed Kröker (2008), and the correlation with hemeroby the theme nature conservation. The degrees were classified by minimum hemeroby, very low, low, medium, high, very high and maximum. After defining the degrees, the landscape classification of the basin was taken as the landscape units defined by Scipioni (2014), and the landscape unit 1 has greater representation by the average degree, having a direct relationship between type of land use with relief features. The unit 2 has all degrees of hemeroby, highlighting the average degree. The landscape unit 3 has greater representation in relation to other units at all levels of hemeroby, and the very high grade, high and maximum were classified due the presence of the urban area of the municipality of Mourao-PR field. Have the unit 4 has no maximum hemeroby, with the average degree the most representative. Through quantitative analysis of degrees of hemeroby landscape in river basin Mourao, it was observed that 85.26% of the catchment area of the river Mourao present a medium degree, composed of areas used for agriculture, livestock, and exposed soil areas prepared for future building sites and 7.81% is the minimum grade used by protected areas, and PPA's forest fragments. The classification of degrees of hemeroby assists for environmental planning can be developed in order to identify what are the major changes in the landscape as well as its location.