Hipertexto: dos problemas conceituais à realidade aumentada
2017-08-11Registro en:
RIBEIRETE, Mateus Lourenço. Hipertexto: dos problemas conceituais à realidade aumentada. 2017. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos de Linguagens) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Curitiba, 2017.
Ribeirete, Mateus Lourenço
The subject hypertext has been the centre of recurrent discussions in Linguistic. In spite of that, there has not been a lot of clarity in regards to its concept. Terminological fluctuation and too vague or too specific descriptions prevent bigger consistency about hypertext and hypertextuality. Therefore, the present dissertation aims to compile the principal ideas written about the subject, mainly in a national context, to discuss them afterwards. Such concepts are divided by the recurrent problems found in their descriptions, being the nature problem, the boundary problem and vagueness problem. Some of the commented authors are Coscarelli, Gomes, Koch, Lobo-Sousa, Marcuschi e Xavier, and considerations from Nelson about the subject are taken to the centre of the discussion. Posteriorly, the categories through which hypertext is commonly defined are discussed one by one, based on Koch, Komesu e Marcuschi. Lastly, the connexion between hypertext and augmented reality is addressed, starting from Mann, Manovich e Nelson. Augmented reality is proposed as the best example of hypertext because of its dynamic features, and also because of the relation kept with physical space, which itself recalls the transclusion as imagined by Nelson.