| masterThesis
Composição de banca examinadora em concurso público para professor do magistério federal: uma proposta para a UTFPR
2018-11-23Registro en:
LAGO, Angela Luiza. Composição de banca examinadora em concurso público para professor do magistério federal: uma proposta para a UTFPR. 2018. [99] f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Administração Pública) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Lago, Angela Luiza
The public tender is the way of selection currently used to enter the public service, except for some exceptions provided by law. For the positions of Professor of the Federal Magisterium of Federal Educational Institutions, the events have specific characteristics, since there is contact between the evaluators and candidates in several stages before the final result, thus making more evident the need to establish adequate criteria for the composition of examining boards, in order to guarantee the legality of the evaluation, maintaining a level playing field for all those who participate in the selection processes. In this way, this work has as general objective to propose a set of criteria related to the composition of public examining boards for the position of Professor of the Federal Magisterium. The methodology used consists of descriptive and documentary research, having as instrument of data collection the questionnaire. The population is composed of a group of professors who belong to the Federal universities. The Federal Institutions of Education complement the studied population, through its normative documents of public tenders. For data collection, multiple sources of evidence were used: institutional documents, questionnaires and lawsuits. The results show that it is necessary to improve the rules of public procurement, regarding the impediment and suspicion of examining boards, by defining criteria that show an impersonal behavior of the evaluators. In addition to the documentary analysis related to the application of the questionnaire, the evaluation of the practices used by the institutions during the course of the event, involving the examining board, concludes that there is a need to establish elements that reinforce the transparency and commitment of the evaluators, so that they can effectively bring the expected results. The research allowed to understand the aspects related to the performance of the examining board in other institutions and demonstrated the need to improve the practices currently used.