Arquitetura de supervisão integrada ao ARENA para avaliação dos indicadores OEE/OEEML
2017-06-14Registro en:
NAKAYAMA, Andre Yuzo; SILVA, Fernando Cesar Pereira; SANTANA, Luís Augusto da Silva. Arquitetura de supervisão integrada ao ARENA para avaliação dos indicadores OEE/OEEML. 2017. 108 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
Nakayama, Andre Yuzo
Silva, Fernando Cesar Pereira
Santana, Luís Augusto da Silva
This work presents the development of a supervision architecture integrated with the ARENA simulation environment for the evaluation of OEE (machine) and OEEML (manufacturing line) performance indicators. It discusses the theories that involve simulation and supervision, as well as demonstrating how the calculations of the indicators are performed. The example used to analyze the problem was a manufacturing line from a clothing factory from the book "Using ARENA in Simulation" by Darci Prado, 2014. The results obtained after the simulation demonstrate how the OEEML indicator can separate from OEE the losses related to the line as a whole Carrying out a simulation before the implantation, it is possible to verify the results in an instantaneous and no cost way, thus being able to carry out a better study and to aid in the decision making of what is really worth investing money and time.