dc.creatorVogt, Marcio de Andrade
dc.creatorLukasievicz, Tiago
dc.creatorBazzo, João Paulo
dc.creatorCarati, Emerson G.
dc.creatorSilva, Jean Carlos Cardozo da
dc.creatorKalinowsky, Hypolito Jose
dc.identifierVOGT, Marcio A. et al. Dynamic response analysis of a digital temperature controller with fiber optic sensor. In: MOMAG. SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE MICROONDAS E OPTOELETRÔNICA, 14. CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ELTROMAGNESTIMOS, 9. 2010, Vila Velha. Anais... Vela Velha: MOMAG, 2010. p. 898-901.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to analyze the dynamic response of digital temperature controller using fiber optic sensors based Bragg grating. The controller designed using a fiber Bragg grating in feedback control loop, instead of the usual thermistor. With this configuration the control system got reduced response time without oscillations in the transitional regime and zero error in steady state.
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.subjectSistema de controle digital
dc.subjectControle de temperatura
dc.subjectFibras ópticas
dc.subjectDigital control system
dc.subjectTemperature control
dc.subjectOptical fibers
dc.titleDynamic response analysis of a digital temperature controller with fiber optic sensor

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