Desenvolvimento de prótese de membro superior controlada por sinais mioelétricos
2019-11-21Registro en:
SANTOS, Leonardo Teixeira dos. Desenvolvimento de prótese de membro superior controlada por sinais mioelétricos. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Eletrônica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2019.
Santos, Leonardo Teixeira dos
Living with a disability is a big challenge, however inclusive tecnologies are increasingly being developed to assist on the inclusion of these people. This paper seeks to help those who had a limb amputated, losing part of the forearm and the hand. This project aims to develop an articulated prosthetic arm, with hand movement controlled by mioelectric signals from a muscle of the forearm, and as low cost as possible. A prototype was built as a proof of concept, and various tests were conducted in order to determine the limitations of using a single channel for acquiring the mioelectric signal. As a result, a simple functional prototype was obtained, ensuring it is possible to use 3D printing techniques for the development of prosthesis and to control it using mioelectric signals. The viability of utilising low cost materials and techniques to develop more accessible prosthetics was discussed, só that more people who need this devices for their inclusion can be benefited.