Implementação de um conversor estático CC-CC de alto rendimento
2013-09-10Registro en:
PRIM, César Augusto; EL HALABI, Samir. Implementação de um conversor estático CC-CC de alto rendimento. 2013. 108 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2013.
Prim, César Augusto
El Halabi, Samir
This paper presents the implementation of a static DC-DC converter with highperformance, full-bridge topology with soft switching and operating frequency of 70 kHz, for applications such as auxiliary power for automotive sound. First is presented an explanation of static converters and justification of the choice of full-bridge topology. Following shows up complete sizing the DC-DC converter with full bridge soft switching. Going forward, it is done the simulation and analyzing the results. Then, the operation was presented and compared with the data obtained in the trial of the prototype. Finally we present the general conclusions obtained from this work.