Desenvolvimento de uma solução para automação de um sistema de cultivo hidropônico
2020-11-17Registro en:
HANSEN, Francisco Godienski. Desenvolvimento de uma solução para automação de um sistema de cultivo hidropônico. 2020. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Pato Branco, 2020.
Hansen, Francisco Godienski
The inappropriate use of natural resources, excess usage of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, and the need to use large portions of terrain by the traditional agriculture impact the environment in increasingly noticeable ways. This, allied to population growth and the increased demand of food, makes the evolution of the traditional agriculture needed. A form of agriculture that is gaining strength and market is the organic agriculture, which aims to reduce and utilize the resources with the best efficiency possible. One technique of organic agriculture is the hydroponics, planting done in water, which provides better yield of the cultures, better use of resources and supplies and greater versatility of the systems. This versatility makes it possible to implant a cultivation system in a controlled environment, providing continuous production of certain types of culture. In this work, a system to automate and monitor hydroponic cultivation systems was developed. The system was developed as a mobile application, using the Flutter language, with a Java server using Spring framework to manage the requests and the code to control the hardware was written using the Arduino language, which is based in the C language and is used to program microcontrollers. The main functionalities are the reading of data from the sensors, the registration and monitoring of the cultures and crops and the automation of the hydroponic system.