O fantástico em Brandão e Rubião: uma abordagem teórica e reflexiva
2014-04-14Registro en:
GOMES, Gessica Zavadoski. O fantástico em Brandão e Rubião: uma abordagem teórica e reflexiva. 2014. 51 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2014.
Gomes, Gessica Zavadoski
Narratives that present fantastic elements are found mainly since Romanticism. In the Twentieth Century this becomes more evident as they deal with a world out of balance. This causes discomfort and derangement to both the characters and the reader. Among the endless ways to identify the Strange theorized by Freud and the one theorized by Chklovsky, there is the use of the Fantastic as an expressive resource. In this work, this perspective will be adopted from the analysis of the tales "Aglaia" and "Bárbara" by Murilo Rubião, and "O homem cuja orelha cresceu", by Ignacio de Loyola Brandão. The narratives are formed by natural elements and unusual elements that cause confusion to the reader in the course of the entire text. These tales represent the social context of the twentieth century as well as the problems encountered in this modern society, that still lives stuck in customs and traditions. Through the analysis of the elements present in fantastic tales "Aglaia", "Bárbara" and "O homem cuja orelha cresceu" we intend to show how the resources influence the configuration related to the strange and strangement. This work is based on the theoretical studies on the Fantastic genre, and, where it is possible, some notions about the absurd and the grotesque.