Artefato para o auxílio na higienização de louças domésticas
2015-11-24Registro en:
CAVALHEIRO, Stephany Medeiros. Artefato para o auxílio na higienização de louças domésticas. 2015. 74 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Design) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2015.
Cavalheiro, Stephany Medeiros
The objective of this study is to address the history of hygiene within the home environment, especially in the kitchen, showing the evolution of thought on how to conduct the home and make the dishes cleaning activities. Topics discussed included the emergence of utensils, being some examples plates, cutlery and glasses. Other themes were also studied during the work, the label created to distinguish the different social classes during the past centuries, the provisions of the home rooms and how it influenced the way of seeing the kitchen at different times, the perception of domestic hygiene as an ally of family health, and deal with the cultural context as kitchen vision in a context of gender, social class and ethnicity. This paper also presents the development of a set of tools to aid in the washing of domestic dishes. For the realization of the project were studies done to know potential users for the product, and identify their main needs. It was also studied how the utensils markets for tableware cleaning works and which innovations there are in the area, showing the gaps for future developments and market gaps. Another point that was taken into consideration in this project is in the feasibility of the prototype for local manufacturing, materials research were done for the selection for the prototype, and possible manufacturing shapes that can be used nationally, without the need to import labor or raw material . The product concept started from the beginning of an organized mess, where you can leave the product in use, not attacking the environment decoration. After selecting material, shapes and concept, Mock-ups were developed of the model for analysis of design and functionality, being made adjustments in Solid Works to develop the prototype. Finally, we presented some of the potential markets that can be pioneered by small businesses to escape the high dollar, as a way to maintain erected during the crisis.