Simulação de grandes escalas de escoamento isotérmico gerado por queimador utilizando OpenFOAM
2019-12-06Registro en:
RIBEIRO, Everton de Souza. Simulação de grandes escalas de escoamento isotérmico gerado por queimador utilizando OpenFOAM. 2019. 63 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2019.
Ribeiro, Everton de Souza
An isothermal flow generated by a gaseous-fuel burner is investigated using large eddy simulation (LES). The simulations are performed with help of the open-source OpenFOAM software. The numerical results are performed using the same experimental conditions described in a recently published study. Several techniques are employed in order to evaluate large-scale structures, as Q-criterion, energy spectra analysis and turbulence length scale. Results present excellent agreement between the numerical and experimental approach in velocity profiles and mean flow structures. Signal analysis investigation of the velocity probes shows velocity peaks in near burner positions. A temporal evolution investigation of large scale structures identify Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities and others minor structures. The computational approach is able to describe with satisfactory accuracy the flow behavior generated by the burner under isothermal conditions.