Produção de celulases e pectinases por fungos filamentosos utilizando aparas de papel contendo tinta e bagaço de uva
2016-06-13Registro en:
IANOSKI, Aline Bisinella. Produção de celulases e pectinases por fungos filamentosos utilizando aparas de papel contendo tinta e bagaço de uva. 2016. 57 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Processos Ambientais) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
Ianoski, Aline Bisinella
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the generation of waste derived from industrial and agro-industrial sectors in Brazil. In the industrial sector, the production of paper and pulp is highlighted, however in the agro-industrial sector the vitiniculture is highlighted. Among the waste resulting from these two activities, are the shavings of paper containing ink and grape pomace. In order to have a better use from the waste, the development of studies to evaluate nobler alternative to its destination is required. In this context, the purpose of this study is the use of shavings of paper containing ink and grape pomace Bordô as substrates for the production of cellulases and pectinases, respectively, secreted by filamentous fungi. By isolating the fungi on plates containing malt extract agar, it was possible to get seven axenic cultures, for later evaluation of the enzyme production of each fungus and selection of producers of cellulases and pectinases. For the production of cellulases, the fungus Ganoderma sp.has been selected, and for the production of pectinase the fungus isolated LB009 was selected. The fungus Aspergillus niger was used as a control for both the production of hydrolytic enzymes. The enzyme production was performed in liquid culture with different compositions. The culture medium that induced the production of more cellulases was composed of saline solution, peptone and shavings of paper containing ink, using as Aspergillus niger, inoculum resulting in 59,63 FPU.L-1 . For production of pectinases, the culture medium that has the best condition was composed of glucose, grape pomace Bordô and pectin, with inoculum LB009 fungus, presenting 5268.52 U.L-1. The results demonstrated that the composition of the culture medium, in relation to availability of nutrients, such as carbon and nitrogen, influenced enzyme production. The use of shavings of paper containing ink and grape pomace Bordô as a substrate in the liquid system favored the production of cellulases and pectinases, thus representing an interesting alternative for the disposal of waste from the industial and agro-industrial sector, as well as a low cost alternative for the production of cellulases and pectinases for filamentous fungi.