A utilização da música como método de aprendizagem de língua inglesa
2014-10-24Registration in:
BONATO, Denise de Melo. A utilização da música como método de aprendizagem de língua inglesa. 2014. 40 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2014.
Bonato, Denise de Melo
This study seeks to defend the song as a method applied to the teaching of English may prove interesting in the construction of knowledge, enabling even better development of reading in English. The study of foreign languages, specifically English language, presents many obstacles to students who do not have daily contact with this language. Thus, it is very difficult for teachers of that language in the pursuit of quality education. This study has the objective to demonstrate strategies for English language learning with the use of songs, with the theoretical bases: Felix Filho and Bezerra (2012) and Silva (2011), who like others cited as a source in this study, who advocate the importance of music in teaching English Language, supporting the issue as a way to give momentum to the process of teaching and learning that foreign language. To construct this study was used, first, to literature, later a field survey was conducted in order to gather information about the English language classes, and its dynamism as the opinion of students on the use of songs in these classes. The answers collected from the students pointed to their interest in English language classes that may be more dynamic, and the question of the use of music in teaching English as a way to introduce a feature that is part of the reality of these students; noting, too, that some students said they had no interest in English language classes for failing to understand the contents.