Sistema de irrigação automatizado pela umidade do solo
2018-11-27Registro en:
PEÑARANDA, Rudy Ernesto Camargo. Sistema de irrigação automatizado pela umidade do solo. 2018. 39 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Internet das Coisas) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Peñaranda, Rudy Ernesto Camargo
This Project have the point of showing how to develop an application with new technologies of internet of things, programming a controller today is more common but develop an unwired system is new. Contiki is not wellknown software but it has a lot utilities that can give a lot of help to our project. In agriculture is necessary to create new technologies that could help the people who work in that area. The MQTT and MQTT-SN protocols are being used in bigger companies that create new applications that are increasing the productivity in sensor networks. because of that they have a lot of systems working with those protocols. The CC2650 board have a los of utilities and it is a good option for who want to develop a project in internet of thing.