Preparação para implantação de um programa de gestão ambiental: estudo de caso em uma empresa de climatizadores
2014-08-07Registration in:
QUADROS, Thainara Camila Fernandes de. Preparação para implantação de um programa de gestão ambiental: estudo de caso em uma empresa de climatizadores. 2014. 57 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2014.
Quadros, Thainara Camila Fernandes de
The growing of awareness regarding the environment and the demands of society passed for the organizations induces a new positioning from the entrepreneurs and executives of micro and small companies (MSCs) with regard to the environment. The present work aims to create subsidies for the implementation of an Environmental Management Program in company Climatizadores Perferro, located in the municipality of Peabiru - PR through the use of management tools. Initially we identified motivations, barriers and difficulties for the adoption of environmental management by the company and after this identification was carried out a survey of Environmental Aspects and Impacts. Then indicators by environmental performance were established and Environmental Management Program (EMP) was developed from the classification result of the very significant environmental impacts considered, these were broken down into objectives, targets and programs. Also elaborated the Environmental Policy Climatizadores Perferro. From the study it was concluded that the company faces challenges in the implementation of environmental management, especially related to financial issues and the lack of information regarding the implementation of environmental education and environmental management. Were identified 4 environmental aspects, from these, 4 were considered very significant impacts being the soil contamination, reducing the useful life of the landfill, impairment of natural resources and groundwater contamination. With this identification made possible the development of the environmental management program. The environmental performance indicators work together as a tool for environmental management contributing to the company's operating performance. The Environmental Management Program will enable the improvement of the production process, reducing the consumption of natural resources and reducing losses of raw materials, causing the company to obtain not only the improvement of environment performance as well as a new image to the market and society, with the company's environmental policy instrument to ensure continuous improvement in performance of Climatizadores Perferro.