Museu ferroviário do Paraná: requalificação do depósito das locomotivas da RFFSA, memória da arquitetura industrial de Curitiba
2015-12-11Registro en:
SCHADECK, Regina. Museu ferroviário do Paraná: requalificação do depósito das locomotivas da RFFSA, memória da arquitetura industrial de Curitiba. 2015. 150 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2015.
Schadeck, Regina
This end-of-graduation-course paper presents a conceptual and historic approach about the urban development in the world, in Brazil and in Curitiba/PR, from the of railways and train stations. A physical and space profile of the Rebouças District is made, delimiting the intervention’s area: the RFFSA’s train warehouse. The old industrial district scenario transformations are described, being through an ongoing process of changing in the last two centuries. There are studied themes about the industrial buildings’ configuration, the economic cycles, the expansion of the district and the railways, the Agache Plan’s contradictions, the loss of the industrial district’s characteristic, the reasons of the local landscape emptying and its stagnation and the new city zoning delimitations. There are also approached subjects relative to the industrial architecture and the railroad heritage inside the context of these building’s appreciation and preservation, by protective principles of restoration and legal instruments of protection of historic buildings. There is clarified the need to reverse the degradation of old industrial abandoned areas through restoration and revitalization interventions. In several countries, architects and urban planners are presenting requalification solutions, with new-use proposals, following contemporary trends and concepts, aiming to rescue the industrial architecture and culture values. Basing on the listed Case Studies, it is clear how architectural interventions are urban developing and improvements, requalifing underused spaces. These parametes subsidize the initial guidelines, conceptual maps and the presentation of the area where is intended to be developed the project of the TRAIN WAREHOUSE’S REQUALIFICATION, aiming to recover the city railway cultural and industrial heritage.