Protocolo de campo para aplicação no desenvolvimento de SISLEG
2013-09-04Registro en:
RAMÃO, Jéssica. Protocolo de campo para aplicação no desenvolvimento de SISLEG. 2013. 83 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Florestal) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2013.
Ramão, Jéssica
This work focuses on the realization of SISLEG on rural properties, this being touted as an important environmental management tool for the establishment of Biodiversity Corridors. The theme set for the preparation of the works is the effectiveness of applying SISLEG by standardizing procedures and methodologies to streamline activities, promote higher quality in development and obtain data of the same nature in all rural properties. The study aims to build a protocol based on the development of the field SISLEG in twelve (12) rural properties in the municipality of Boa Esperança do Iguaçu, in south-west paranaense, to present aspects of SISLEG and other positioning systems, tell about on issues as forest reserves in Paraná, and, compare the changes between the old and the current forest Code. The methodological procedures include field reconnaissance, deployment point of reference, delimitation the area, survey of features of interest, processing and editing, finalizing the map after the pattern of IAP conference field and recommendation to the owner. The results indicate the development of a field protocol with description of each step necessary for the development of SISLEG in rural properties.