Investimento financeiro: análise do perfil do investidor pessoa física
2017-08-21Registro en:
JESUS, Wellington Melo. Investimento financeiro: análise do perfil do investidor pessoa física. 2017. 32 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Gestão Financeira) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
Jesus, Wellington Melo de
This project has as purpose a study on the profile of the individual investor of clients of a bank branch, located in the city of Curitiba - PR. The objective of the study is to identify the investment profile of the clients. In order to reach the objective, a theoretical study was first carried out on the main investor profiles, definition of financial investment and what the main alternatives that the banking branch offers in the segmentation of retail. After this, a case study was carried out. Its analysis was based on the investor profile questionnaire, answered by the client before his first investment in the current account, seeking information on profile, income, age, risk aversion and timing. life. As a result, it was noticed that the investment profile that prevailed among the respondents was that of conservative, for the reason of having financial precaution.