Gelados comestíveis light e probióticos adicionados de farinha de mandioca cozida
2018-11-27Registro en:
FERRONATTO, Gabrieli Beatriz; JUNGES, Fernando. Gelados comestíveis light e probióticos adicionados de farinha de mandioca cozida. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Alimentos) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2018.
Junges, Fernando
Ferronatto, Gabrieli Beatriz
The market interest in developing functional products and nutritional purposes to the consumer has raised the food development probiotics and light that are formulated or processed with suitable modifications to meet the growing demand. Ice creams are products produced basically with milk and/or milk derivatives and other food raw materials, present a great potential as a growth vehicle of probiotic microorganisms. The whey protein products have been included in the ice-cream formulations because of your favorable contribution to the sensory qualities and texture of the product. Sweeteners are substances different from the sugars that give sweet taste to the food. The flour of cassava (Manihot esculenta cranz) possesses high levels of cellulosic fibres, which makes it an interesting functional food. Drying models are used to estimate the time of drying of different products and in the description of drying curves. The present study aimed to develop a functional light ice cream with addition of probiotic bacteria, cheese whey, whey protein concentrate, cassava flour, sweetener sucralose/acesulfame-k and use the drying kinetics of manioc for the model that best describes the experimental data for drying cassava meal cooked, thus obtaining a product with nutritional, energy and functional properties. Four ice cream formulations were developed, being a standard and formulations with 5, 10 and 20% cassava flour cooked. The formulations were tested during periods of 0, 15, 30 days of storage, performing microbiological, sensory, physical-chemical, drying of cassava, colorimetry and rheological properties during the period of storage. All analyses were carried out in repeated three times. With regard to the analyses of the probiotic bacteria Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Bifidubacterium bifidum the results were in line with current legislation. In relation to physical-chemical and microbiological analysis, all presented in accordance with the law. The sensory analysis of the standard formulation F4 presented best performance among the judges, one of the formulations containing cassava flour formulation F1 with 5% obtained results close to the standard formulation, the F2 and F3 formulations with 10 and 20% respectively, flour lower acceptance by judges.