A importância das proposituras, a atuação do poder legislativo e sua contribuição na governança pública no município de Taubaté - SP
2014-03-29Registro en:
RIBEIRO, Adriana Derrico. A importância das proposituras, a atuação do poder legislativo e sua contribuição na governança pública no município de Taubaté - SP. 2013. 86 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2013.
Ribeiro, Adriana Derrico
This work had as thematic the Town Hall in Taubaté city, São Paulo, Brazil. The objective is to spread the knowledge informing about law projects’ impact and its importance to local community made by Law House propositions which converts to laws. To develop the full citizenship, it is essential that people engage in collective issues, attending meetings, public hearings, whose purpose is to obtain information from councilors on decisions related to the municipality, exposed by Law Projects. We opted to expose the procedures, regarding propositions and Law projects coming from Executive Power or popular sources, as well as reporting the work of Legislative Standing Committees, responsible for processing each stage of the Law Project, until it is established and published in municipal official gazette. This is a desk bibliographic, exploratory, qualitative, quantitative research. It was used for data collection documental sources, in particular with regard to labor and municipal legislative processes As theoretical references we used-the laws available in the electronic Town Hall site, as well as several bibliographies related to the topic.