Utilização de biofertilizante e NPK na cultura da soja
2017-06-05Registro en:
SILVA, Cleomar Jose Costa e. Utilização de Biofertilizante e NPK na cultura da soja. 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Agronomia) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois vizinhos, 2017.
Silva, Cleomar Jose Costa e
Biofertilizer is a component used to feed the microorganisms contained in the ruminant bovine in Liquid Composting, producing a form of biological fertilizer, which promotes soil recovery, optimizing nutrient absorption, favoring the biological flora of the soil (mycorrhizas, Rhizobium, Trichoderma, Inoculants). Although recent, this technology isn't widespread in the Southwestern Paraná, with little research proving the effectiveness of the product. In this context, the goals this work was to evaluate the use of Microgeo [marca registrada] in the productive parameters of the soybean crop. The experiment was developed at the Experimental Unit of annual crops of UTFPR Campus Dois Vizinhos. The experimental design was randomized blocks in fatorial system with four doses of Microgeo [marca registrada] and two doses of fertilization with NPK with six replicates, totaling 24 plots (T0 = 0% microgeo and 0% NPK, T1 = 100% microgeo E 0 % NPK, T2 = 0% microgeo and 100% NPK, T3 = 50% microgeo and 100% NPK, T4 = 100% microgeo and 100% NPK and T5 = 150% NPK). The microgeo [marca registrada] was applied ten days after germination and the fertilization with NPK were carried out at sowing, as indicated in the fertilization manual of the RS and SC (COMMISSION OF CHEMISTRY AND FERTILITY OF SOLO-RS / SC, 2004). Evaluated nodules root mass and height plant, weight of one thousand seeds, number pods per plant and grains yield. Verified that the fertilization didn't have significant interaction with the application of Microgeo [marca registrada] , without significant differences between treatments to variables weight of one thousand seed, yield grain, number of pods, dry mass root, number and mass nodules. The difference was observed to height plants, where the plots with fertilization of NPK presented superior growth in relation to the plants that didn't receive fertilization. Concluded that the biofertilizer Microgeo [marca registrada] didn't gain in the soybean crop, and only fertilization with NPK had differentiation promoting increase height plant.