Verificação da segurança contra incêndio em uma escola do ensino fundamental no município de Colombo-PR
2015-12-18Registro en:
BORNHAUSEN, Karla. Verificação da segurança contra incêndio em uma escola do ensino fundamental no município de Colombo-PR. 2015. 76 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
Bornhausen, Karla
In any school, the predominant population are kids and most of them are inexperienced and as any individual subject to risks. All the schools, municipal, state or private, must to be prepared for any emergency. In Paraná, the Fire Department is responsible for the inspection of buildings, using Normas de Procedimento Técnico as a guide to identify conformities and non-conformities in buildings. Thus, this essay aimed to check the conformities and non-conformities in a school in the City of Colombo/PR, using the NPT’s of Fire Department. Therefore, applied a checklist ruled theses NPT’s and as result it was observed that the situation of school is precarious in relation a fire safety, there is no Exit signage, the opening doors need to be adjusted, there is no detection and fire alarm or emergency lighting, fire extinguishers are the only protection of fire and these require some adaptation. Were evaluated 94 items, 19,14% were in conformity, 40,43% in non-conformity and 40,43% were not applicable to school. In the Evacuation Plan concluded that the settlement of items in non-conformity is necessary for an efficient evacuation plan.