Relações métricas no triângulo retângulo através da linguagem de programação scratch: uma proposta de atividades
2021-02-03Registro en:
VAZ, Lucas dos Santos. Relações métricas no triângulo retângulo através da linguagem de programação scratch: uma proposta de atividades. 2021. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2021.
Vaz, Lucas dos Santos
Information and communication technologies have been touted as potentially powerful tools for educational change. For this reason, they have been widely explored by teachers who are always looking for new ways to teach in order to make their classes more interesting and interactive. This tools also contribute to the teaching of mathematics, since through them the students can be encouraged to develop or use mathematical knowledge in order to solve practical and challenging problems. In this direction, Scratch, which is a block-based visual programming language, allows easy, effective and interesting math learning. Students can explore this powerful tool to solve different types of problems and thus build knowledge. For these reasons, in this work we propose some activities to be developed with students of the last year of Elementary School, which explore the use of Scratch in order to recognize metric relations in the right triangle. More specifically , they should use programs and concepts already acquired in previous years to deduce such relations.