Estudo microbiano de efluente de abatedouro bovino tratado em reator combinado anaeróbio-aeróbio
2016-12-06Registro en:
LIMA, Wilder Henrique. Estudo microbiano de efluente de abatedouro bovino tratado em reator combinado anaeróbio-aeróbio. 2016. 45 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2016.
Kreutz, Cristiane
The slaughtering activity of cattle uses a large amount of water which, in its entirety, is discarded as a liquid effluent. Wastewater contains blood, fat, excreta, substances contained in the digestive tract of the animals, fragments of tissues, among others, characterizing an effluent with high concentration of organic matter. This effluent, when disposed to environment without treatment, representations of insect proliferation and pathogens, in addition to contamination of surface and groundwater. Biological treatment is a technique to obtain biodegradable organic matter more quickly and in a better way by physical, chemical and biological processes. The most recommended treatment for waste and waste water from cattle facilities is biological. In view of the above, this research aimed to evaluate a biomass immobilized in an anaerobic-aerobic fixed bed reactor used no biological treatment of bovine slaughterhouse raw effluent, buying a count of heterotrophic bacteria, nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria. Present in the medium support according to methodologies cited by the authors; Araújo Junior and Zaiat (2006) to quantify a biomass adhered to the support medium, Villas Bôas (1999) for counting heterotrophic bacteria, Tiedje (1984) to determine the number of denitrifying bacteria and Schmidt and Belser (1984) for the estimation of (NMP) of nitrifying bacteria. The results indicated that the material support of the charcoal did not present favorable conditions for the establishment of the biofilm, showing low values between 0.310g for ST and 0.302g for SVT and adherence dry matter rates. The NMP of the nitrite-oxidizing nitrifying bacteria varied from 1.1 x 102 to 3.1 x 103 and that the ammonia oxidizing bacteria ranged from 1.2 x 104 to 3.3 x 106, showing that the oxidizing bacteria of Nitrite presented lower values than the ammonia oxidizing bacteria and the denitrifiers varied between 6.3 x 104 and 3.9 x 105, indicating that as environmental and operational conditions influenced no development of the same.