Qualidade do espaço público para pedestres: estudo de caso: trecho central da Av. Brasil em Cascavel-PR
2018-06-08Registro en:
LAZARIN, Amanda Roecker. Qualidade do espaço público para pedestres: estudo de caso: trecho central da Av. Brasil em Cascavel-PR. 2018. 80 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Toledo, 2018.
Lazarin, Amanda Roecker
When making a historical retrospective of the cities, it is possible to verify that after the Industrial Revolution the focus of the urban planning was centered in the accommodation of the traffic of vehicles and pedestrians. As the improvement in the conditions of traffic of the vehicles increases the number of them in the roads, it is almost impossible to find a solution for the urban public space focusing only for road transport. In addition, there is now an aspiration for living, safe, healthy and sustainable cities, in order to achieve these four goals, the population must be invited to walk. In this context, the present work proposes to study a section of the recently reformed Avenida Brasil in the city of Cascavel - PR, Brazil, through the application of the walkability index, developed by ITDP Brasil. For that, information collected in the field and preexisting data were used, the maximum speed allowed for example. The results demonstrate that road safety needs immediate intervention and that the quality of the space is acceptable, although it is far from ideal.