Aplicação de um método de programação de CLP com base no diagrama SFC para automação de unidades geradoras hidrelétricas
2012-07-06Registro en:
SILVA, Bianca Romaniv da; SOARES, Jefferson Wilhelm Meyer; LA ROSA, Victor Emanuel Correia de. Aplicação de um método de programação de CLP com base no diagrama SFC para automação de unidades geradoras hidrelétricas. 2012. 95 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2012.
Silva, Bianca Romaniv da
Soares, Jefferson Wilhelm Meyer
La Rosa, Victor Emanuel Correia de
This paper has the objective to present an application of PLC programming method based on the SFC diagram and implemented in Ladder. This method was implemented in a generating unit of a hydroelectric power plant with generating capacity of 0.94 MVA, consisting of a generator turbine Francis type. The method to be presented although it has been developed and applied to a small hydroelectric plant, can be applied similarly in medium or large power plants, or also in automation of sequential processes. The method comes from the application of a model program in ladder logic, using an adaptation of the SFC diagram, which concentrates the main generating unit maneuvers, which are a result of start, stop and emergency stop. The system in which the programming method has been implemented is an SDSC, deployed to meet the needs of modernization of the power plant, joining the plant to the central monitoring and control existing as well as provide data requested by the NOS. The reasons for adopting this method of standardization for scheduling generating units were friendly to the operator monitoring, reliability and safety in maneuvering the unit is placed, ensuring the expected sequence, flexibility of the method for the use in other generating units and facilitate changes that require some modification of the sequence of maneuvers.