Medindo alturas inacessíveis: aplicações com o teodolito caseiro e virtual no estudo da trigonometria
2017-11-20Registro en:
ANDRADE, Susana Bertozi Tavares de. Medindo alturas inacessíveis: aplicações com o teodolito caseiro e virtual no estudo da trigonometria. 2017. 144 f. Dissertação (Programa de Pós Graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Parará, Cornélio Procópio, 2018.
Andrade, Susana Bertozi Tavares de
This present work consists of two parts, the first part is related to the study of the history of trigonometry and the trigonometric concep of ratios in the triangle rectangle, the second part is composed of activities carried out with the students of the ninth grade of elementary school municipality of the city of Ipaussu - SP. Through these activities students were encouraged to explore and deduce trigonometric concepts mainly through practical activities such as the construction and use of the home and virtual theodolite to determine inaccessible heights of some points of the city. The research revealed that the applied methodology provoked the students 'involvement making the teaching and learning process more interactive, constructive and participative, fulfilling its main objective of establishing relationships between school mathematics and students' everyday life.