Vamos falar sobre evasão? Análise dos cursos de Licenciatura em Química da UTFPR
2019-07-10Registro en:
LIMA, Alessandra Mayra de. Vamos falar sobre evasão? Análise dos cursos de Licenciatura em Química da UTFPR. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Química) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2019.
Lima, Alessandra Mayra de
The abandoning of University is common in different levels of Basic Education, which is, in general, worsened in Higher Education by financial, social and/or academic expenditure. The evasion, specifically in Licentiate degree courses, affects as Higher Education as Basic Education, because it can influence on the absence of future professionals to mediate knowledge of determined area in schools or Universities. Thus, it is necessary to comprehend the evasion phenomenon effectively to contribute with its minimization. The present work has its main goal to analyze and discuss the possible triggering factors of academic evasion in Licentiate degree in Chemistry courses of UTFPR, based on the theoretical and methodological reference that comprised the study and the perspective of coordinating teachers of course and evaded students. Five courses of Licentiate degree in Chemistry were objects of analysis of six campi of Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná: Apucarana, Campo Mourão, Curitiba, Londrina, Medianeira e Pato Branco. For to seek to attain the proposed objectives, we had developed a research of qualitative approach with coordinating teachers of Chemistry courses and its evaded academics, by means of application of two semi-open questionnaires, made available virtually by Google® forms. Altogether, five coordinators and 126 former students had participated of this study. The data are include in the period/year in which the courses started operating until 2018. For an organization, analysis, discussion of the results, we used techniques of triangulation of data and category creation. The data were interpreted based on studies that discuss about teachers’ formation, Licentiate degree courses and, more specifically, about Licentiate degree in Chemistry. The results indicates several factors that had been influenced academics to give up of the course, among them, the financial difficulties, the attempt to conciliate work and studies, the distance and the displacement of to go as far as the University, the lack of a solid basic platform of studies, which results from Basic Education, that is aggravated by the lack of time to study outside the classroom, the devaluation of teachers’ formation, the lack of family support, problems in interpersonal relationships and diseases like anxiety and depression. The results also presents some measures pointed out by participants to minimize the evasion in the courses. We hope with this work, provide to professionals involved with Licentiate degree courses, academics, future academics, teachers, coordinators and all of people that have interest about the subject, reflexions and possibilities of action.