Avaliação dos esforços cisalhantes em parafusos fixadores de vigas de estrutura de madeira
2014-12-11Registro en:
TONON, José Ernesto, Avaliação dos esforços cisalhantes em parafusos fixadores de vigas de estrutura de madeira. 2014. 82 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Parará, Cornélio Procópio, 2014.
Tonon, José Ernesto
In most constructions are used wooden structures for roofs and many are executed in the conventional system using trusses. With the advancement of architecture, with regard the employability of timber, other ways have been used making the free and harmonious environment, and for this, the need for larger beams, to win larger spans. Therefore, the materials of the structural elements have an important role in order to demand continuity of parts with in the safety standards. Brazilian Standards of forms of links where the use of timber and steel, ensure stability for both materials, as the use of bolts and pins as liaison, used in buildings. In this paper, the proposal is to assess the joint of bolted connections materials between timber / timber and compare it with the connections timber / steel plate / timber; the folded plate and cold pressed between the parts is not apparent. Therefore, the connection will fall on the bolts, but with the plate resistance will be higher by supporting the shearing caused by the bending of the bolts and inserted directly on timber, which is very important as to the direction of the fibers and of the applied load.