Estudos de confiabilidade em projetos de subestações
2017-02-15Registration in:
KOGA, Crystiane Ayumi. Estudos de confiabilidade em projetos de subestações. 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Engenharia da Confiabilidade) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
Koga, Crystiane Ayumi
The growing need for energy supply generates shortages of power plants, distribution and transmission of energy, this lack necessitates the rapidity in the installation of new enterprises, such as substations. Factors such as lack of communication, lack of specifications, lack of technical support are some of the causes of delays in the progress of works in question. In order to optimize the implementation of new substations reliability studies were chosen with the purpose of analyzing the effects of delays in the delivery of substation projects. For a better understanding of the subject, studies and reliability review were performed. Projects of substations of company X were chosen for study Being collected data of fulfillment of deadlines in the delivery of projects between the years 2011 to 2016. The Weibull distribution of Reliasoft’s software was chosen as platform for the due analyzes. With the software it was possible to obtain results such as reliability, probability of failure, failure rate of projects. The results show that the reliability of project delivery decreases with the increase in the final time of the mission, and the probability of failure being a complementary value to reliability increases its value.