Elaboração de guia ilustrado para auxílio de tomada de decisões no âmbito de construção de habitações sociais no estado do Paraná
2015-06-24Registro en:
CALIXTO, Maiara. ZANLORENZI, Patrícia. Elaboração de guia ilustrado para auxílio de tomada de decisões no âmbito de construção de habitações sociais no estado do Paraná. 2015. 95 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Design Gráfico) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2015.
Calixto, Maiara
Zanlorenzi, Patrícia
This paper presents the development process of an illustrated guide of the social housing models of Parana Housing Company (COHAPAR) shown to municipal governments of the state of Paraná. At first the paper adresses multidisciplinary issues related to information architecture and editorial publications, along with factors related to the target audience in question. Then the topic in focus is studied, including research and analysis of similar systems, also the results of the research with the useres are summarized in order to understand qualities, problems and trace system strategies based on the system currently employed by the company . Finally, the graphic design illustrated guide was developed, that includes the creation of three-dimensional simulations of the rooms of the houses, specifications for each model presented and for each program developed by COHAPAR.