Caracterização estrutural por refinamento Rietveld de cerâmicas de BaTio3 substituídas por íons de manganês
2017-06-14Registro en:
BERTARELLI, Leandro Diot. Caracterização estrutural por refinamento Rietveld de cerâmicas de BaTiO3 substituídas por íons de manganês. 2017. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2017.
Bertarelli, Leandro Diot
In the advanced ceramics processing, there has been a raise of interest on the development of techniques capable of processing high quality physical-chemical powders. Utilizing solid-solution materials synthesis, x-ray diffraction, and Rietveld refinement method, it is possible to synthesize a material with widely applicable properties, once the Refinement validate the synthesis , by means of structural analysis On this paper, the study subject will be BaTi(1-x)MnxO3 (Barium titanate with substituted maganese ions), a material applied on production of termal sensors, self-controlled heaters, starting relays for single phase motors, among others. From the solid solution obtained, it is conducted a x-ray diffraction (X-RD) to identify phases of the sample. For this characterization occurs as correct as possible, the Rietveld refinement will be used. In addition to identifying the phases, also provides the structural parameters of the materials obtained