| bachelorThesis
Aplicação de modelos não lineares na precificação de passagens aéreas
2018Registro en:
MELO, Juliana. Aplicação de modelos não lineares na precificação de passagens aéreas. 2018. 49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Matemática) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2018.
Melo, Juliana de
Due to the autonomy of air transport users with regard to ticket purchase, the need for intermediaries, such as travel agencies, has become unnecessary in many cases, being the user’s decision regarding the airline and time in advance of your ticket purchase. Acquiring an air ticket in advance can make the purchase cheaper. In this sense, this work studies the behavior of the prices practiced by the three largest Brazilian airlines in the Londrina / PR - Curitiba / PR and Londrina / PR - São Paulo / SP flight stretch regarding the time in advance in ticket acquisition. Average price graphs are presented during thirty and sixty days. This study shows that the
relation between thirty days in advance and the amount charged is non-linear, thus motivating the study of non-linear statistical models for the modeling of the data obtained, since at sixty days in advance prices generally stabilize. Therefore, for the flight stretch under study it is recommended to purchase the ticket thirty days in advance.