Análise da característica e patologia de fundações de edifícios através dos estudos de caso
2022-06-08Registro en:
KAIQUE, Costa de Oliveira. Análise da característica e patologia de fundações de edifícios através dos estudos de caso. 2022. 56 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Guarapuava, 2022.
Oliveira, Kaique Costa de
The lack of normative references and methodologies to be followed when it comes to pathologies in building foundations, from the suspicion of the problem due to the existence of pathological manifestations, such as cracks, fissures and cracks, to the expected performance in soundings made in the interaction between soil and the adopted recovery of the foundation structure of the building, motivated the accomplishment of this course conclusion work, which was developed a systematization of the problems found in case studies in foundations, discussing their causes, proposing alternatives during the stages of the design process of a building, trying to deal with the issues in a simple way, with the purpose of alerting civil engineering professionals. And, thus, catalog the pathologies found in the foundations of buildings and indicate the common problems encountered, adopting case studies as a reference. The methodology had as its object of study the research and analysis through deductions of the causative hypotheses, possible intervention alternatives generated from the diagnosis and intervention plans for the pathological manifestations found in the case studies.