Orientação sexual na Base Nacional Comum Curricular e no Referencial Curricular do Estado do Paraná
2021-11-30Registration in:
FREITAS, Gabriela. Orientação sexual na Base Nacional Comum Curricular e no Referencial Curricular do Estado do Paraná. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Santa Helena, 2021.
Freitas, Gabriela de
With the institutionalization of the National Curriculum Parameters (PCNs) aimed at education for the exercise of citizenship, Sexual Orientation had an official recognition of its need and importance as a school educational action. However, currently, the theme has been debated again in different social spheres due to the Escola Sem Partido Movement, which is against the approach of themes such as gender and sexuality in schools, stating that the responsibility of sexual education is incumbent on families. In this context, the aim of this study was to analyze how national and state curriculum documents and guidelines address the topic of Sexual Orientation in the process of teaching and learning at school. Methodologically, the research was characterized as a bibliographical and documentary research based on the analysis of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), Curriculum Reference of Paraná and Curriculum of the Paraná State Network (CREP). The identification of the approach to the topic of Sexual Orientation in these documents was carried out by searching for the following keywords: Sexual Orientation, sexual education, sexuality and gender. This research found that in the BNCC document the term Sexual Orientation and Education and Gender are not present, only sexuality is addressed, rarely in the final years of elementary school, specifically in the eighth year. The curriculum framework of Paraná follows the same competencies as BNCC, in this curriculum document the termsexual orientation appears in a quote from the National Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education, and in the introductory text, the term sexuality is used in the presentation of the object of knowledge and in the eighth grade learning goals, while the term gender and sex education are not mentioned. The Curriculum of the Paraná State Network (CREP) is a document that complements the Curriculum Reference of Paraná, in this document the word gender appears only once, while the word sexuality appears more constantly, its discussion being expanded in the final years of elementary school.