Planejamento de canteiro de obras: estudo de caso no município de Campo Mourão-PR
2012-05-22Registro en:
PINHEIRO, Alex William Rumachella. Planejamento de canteiro de obras: estudo de caso no município de Campo Mourão – PR. 2012. 89 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação). Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2012.
Pinheiro, Alex William Rumachella
This research aims to analyze by a sample what care the builders of Campo Mourão - PR as to concerning for a physical arrangement (layout) of the buildings in the city. It is possible through the bibliographies finding tools to assist us in developing efficient
layouts, and through these, the research outlines new concepts of market efficiency
for the mourãoense. From this situation, the main objective of this research is to alert businesses and professionals builders that with due attention to this plan it can have future profits and a better quality of products, essentials factors and differences
for competition in the companies. The models proposed in this paper include guidelines for management of main processes and functions of small construction companies in the construction site, also have studied a knowledge daily work as well as the steps and requirements that it imposes on each construction phase to could then carry out the proposals for new layouts.