O ensino de ciências na perspectiva de professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental: possibilidades, limites e desafios
2019-11-29Registro en:
VARGAS, Jaqueline Jora de. O ensino de ciências na perspectiva de professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental: possibilidades, limites e desafios. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Química) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2019.
Vargas, Jaqueline Jora de
This study aimed to analyze and discuss the main facilities and difficulties encountered by teachers from the early years of elementary school for science teaching, as well as the objective and subjective conditions for working with this content in this stage of basic education. To this end, a semi-open questionnaire was applied to teachers participating in the continuing education course “Science in Elementary School: theoretical and practical aspects”, offered at UTFPR from an extension project called “Science Teaching for Elementary School teachers I ”In partnership with the Municipal Department of Education of Campo Mourão. The main requirements to participate in the research were: to be a fourth-grade elementary school teacher and to be participating in the continuing education course offered by the extension project. For the data analysis, performed from the techniques of triangulation and category creation, we based the legislation and some studies and research - books, theses, dissertations, and academic articles - that address the theme of this study. The data analysis allowed us to discuss: the conception of the teachers of the early years of elementary school about science, the working conditions, the facilities and difficulties encountered by the teachers in their work as a science teacher, the teaching-learning process in this same subject in this same stage of education and the formation of teachers who teach science in elementary school. From the results obtained, we consider that, in order to have an effective improvement in science teaching, it is necessary, more than the dedication of the teachers, objective and subjective conditions that guarantee the best possible performance of the teacher in this curricular component. These conditions refer, among other things, to a change in the workload of the science discipline for the early years of elementary school, to the physical structure and appropriate support materials to conduct classes that articulate theory and practice, to investment in training (initial and continued) to broaden the teacher's specific knowledge of the subject and a better organization of municipal annual planning.