Ludicidade: uma alternativa para a educação inclusiva no ensino regular
2012-12-01Registration in:
LOPES, Lorena Martin. Ludicidade: uma alternativa para a educação inclusiva no ensino regular. 2012. 58 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2012.
Lopes, Lorena Martin
This research presents a theoretical approach on the importance of using play as an alternative to school practice thus guide work with pupils with special educational needs of the lower grades of elementary education in regular schools. First was a study done on the historical perspective of special education from antiquity to modern times, after, was initiated to arguments about the inclusion of exceptional students in regular education institutions as its challenges, barriers and achievements, both subjects already discussed, but they are still impasses and cause fear in professional education on behalf of the whole school environment is not well prepared. Then an analysis is discussed about the concept of playfulness, play area, play, play and play as ways to stimulate and contribute to a quality education as well as its benefits for inclusive education. On order to know how mainstream schools use the playfulness in daily practice as a teaching resource for working with pupils with special educational needs, was conducted an interview with several professionals and students in a public school in the regular school system of the city of Marilena aiming to know how the professionals use in the playful practice for successful inclusion student. Obtained result is a panorama composed of conceptual vision of these professionals and also a reflection on the expectations and opinions of students regarding regarding educational work inserted into a playful proposal.