Qualidade de águas de poços artesianos de Peabiru, Paraná, Brasil: um município sem saneamento público
2021-05-04Registro en:
VICENTE, Yuri Souza. Qualidade de águas de poços artesianos de Peabiru, Paraná, Brasil: um município sem saneamento público. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Ambiental) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2021.
Vicente, Yuri Souza
Groundwater is widely used for public supplies and can be obtained through artesian wells, but it can be contaminated, interfering with its quality and making it unfit for human consumption. Contamination can be caused by the proximity of the black pits of artesian wells, which are used in places that lack basic sanitation, such as the municipality of Peabiru, Paraná, Brazil. In this work, the water quality of artesian wells in the city of Peabiru was evaluated by means of reports made available by the municipality's Autonomous Water and Sewage System, which contained the physicalchemical and microbiological analyzes. This evaluation was done by selecting parameters with values greater than the Quantification Limit (LQ), where graphs were constructed to visually analyze whether they had any relationship, either by well or in general and, if positive, the test was performed Pearson's Correlation. Subsequently, the Principal Component Analysis (or PCA) test was performed with all the data collected to verify the correlation between them. In addition, the distance from the existing pits within a radius of 100 meters from each well was investigated. In the results it was observed that no well had a pit with a distance of less than 30 meters. All physical-chemical parameters were within the standards established by the legislation. However, contamination by Total Coliforms was found in 52.38% of the analyzed samples and Escherichia coli in 11.90% of the samples. Performing the Pearson Correlation test, a relationship was found between the Total Dissolved Solids (STD) parameters and the sum of three days of rain, STD and total hardness, nitrate and chloride, Total Coliforms and rain and sodium and sulfate. In the PCA test, 97.35% of variability was found. It was concluded that the water quality of the Peabiru artesian wells is good in relation to the physical-chemical analyzes, but not in relation to the microbiological analyzes.