Formação continuada em bacharéis da educação física atuantes em academias de Curitiba: uma iniciativa privada ou pessoal?
2019-05-02Registro en:
KOINSKI, Fernanda da Veiga Chereneta. Formação continuada em bacharéis da educação física atuantes em academias de Curitiba: uma iniciativa privada ou pessoal?. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Educação Física) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2019.
Koinski, Fernanda da Veiga Chereneta
The work market requires a competent professional, qualified and updated. The continuing education aims to fill any gaps that may arise during the life of the Physical Education professional. It should be noted that the field of higher absorption of graduates are in academies which aim to maximize wealth, and, therefore, the reduction of operating costs contributes to this. Formalized duality, the objective of the present study is to verify if managers working in academies from the city of Curitiba-PR provide some form of continuing training to the professionals who work there. Characterizing as exploratory, quantitative and descriptive research. The instrument of data collection was the elaboration of a questionnaire based on the theoretical reference, containing twelve questions of multiple choice, being directed to the managers of the academies. The data treatment was performed using the software IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0. The results showed that the managers are mostly male (66,7%), with a prevalence of 30 to 39 years (46,7%), and with some specialization (56,7%). With regard to continuing education, more than half of the (52,0%), opted to release the professionals to carry out courses on their own, without any kind of financial aid (59,0%). However (72,4%) affirmed investing in continuing education in their academies, being that (60,0%) of them offer one to five annual training sessions. We conclude that although there is a movement by the managers of the adherence to the promotion of continuing education, it ends up being primarily a personal initiative.