Cores: um estudo sobre a estrutura da matéria
2019-12-10Registration in:
COSMO, Pedro Henrique Araújo. Cores: um estudo sobre a estrutura da matéria. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Química) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2019.
Cosmo, Pedro Henrique Araújo
We present a study on the structure of matter from the common colors observed in nature. From the observation that colors are usually associated only with phenomena of emission, absorption, or reflection of light and that a study of the structure of matter seems to be somewhat complicated, there was a need to develop this work addressing both themes. To this end, we described a section based on the quantum theory of energy levels associated with the possible degrees of freedom of matter in different systems organized in increasing order of complexity. Based on these foundations was made a description of the physicochemical mechanisms that give color in common phenomena of nature and how this knowledge is applied in the development of new technologies. This section of the work has also been organized into system complexity levels. Starting by describing the color mechanism in atomic systems, then the color mechanism in molecular systems, and then the color mechanism in solid structures. The study conducted in this work associating the energy of systems with the degrees of freedom of matter is an innovative way to approach the explanation for colors. The physicochemical description of the color mechanism addressing different phenomena of nature brings explanations far beyond common sense for the explanation of colors. Thus, it is hoped that with this work, readers will be able to understand more fully the mechanisms that confer color in nature and at the same time, learn a little more about the structure of matter and quantum theory.