Avaliação experimental da resistência de ligações madeira-aço com chapas laterais em corte duplo com parafusos sextavados passantes
2017-11-30Registro en:
COUTO, Natalia Garcia. Avaliação experimental da resistência de ligações madeira-aço com chapas laterais em corte duplo com parafusos sextavados passantes. 2017. 80 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2017.
Couto, Natalia Garcia
The connections require a deep study of their structural behavior because they are considered critical points of the structures. About the connections in wood elements, a use still little studied in Brazil is that of steel-to-timber structures. The method of designing this type of connection, proposed by ABNT NBR 7190:1997, is simplified when compared to the EUROCODE 5:2004. Therefore, this paper presents to study the differents theoretical models of calculation for resistance connections through bolt with nut and washer recommended by the norms, and compare them with the results obtained experimentally. The experiment was realized with test pieces in real scale, following the methodology of EN 26891: 1997, using Apuleia Leiocarpa (Garapeira) specie of wood, A36 Carbon 6.35 mm steel plates and ISO 4016 Class 8.8 12 mm bolts with nuts and washers. Analyzing the results obtained, it was observed that the theoretical result presented by the calculation method proposed by EUROCODE 5: 2004 is more adequate than the model of the Brazilian standard for the calculation of the resistance of steel-to-timber connections.