Thixoforming: uma revisão sistemática de literatura
2019-07-02Registro en:
BORGES, Gabriel Lima. Thixoforming: uma revisão sistemática de literatura. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Engenharia Mecânica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Pato Branco, 2019.
Borges, Gabriel Lima
Semisolid processing presents itself as a promising route in the production of mechanical components and applications in the aerospace industry, having several options for applications in manufacturing processes. Thixoforming is a semisolid processing capable of producing spherical microstructure, and refining the grain. The present work presents a systematic review of the literature 64 papers were obtained as a basis to characterize the primary means of production of semisolid material. These papers showing the mechanisms of formation of the spherical microstructure presents the main routes of thixoforming and analyzes the alloys that were most studied in the last 20 years. The A356 aluminum alloy is the one with the most significant number of studies on the theme, being able to obtain 90% greater tensile strength (338 MPa) when compared with the alloy processed by sand casting (172 MPa). A comparative analysis was also performed between the processing parameters and the mechanical properties obtained to ascertain this correlation and the behavior of the semisolid raw material while processed. The results obtained in this work show the importance of the research in semisolid processing and how it can be a route of production with lower costs, to get mechanical components with superior mechanical properties.