Inserção da educação ambiental na prática pedagógica da educação infantil
2012-12-07Registro en:
PEREIRA, Daniélli Maciel. Inserção da educação ambiental na prática pedagógica da educação infantil. 2012. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2012.
Pereira, Daniélli Maciel
This work was subject to inclusion of environmental education in early childhood education, showing the contents that are transmitted to the students of the College Iguaçu, in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná state, and how they are addressed by educators, highlighting the importance of environmental education focused on building values. The research was qualitative and through the exchange of experiences in early childhood education, based on the literature search, the purpose of acquiring and theoretical understanding on the issue. It was possible to observe and collect data on education for children, through applied research, using as a tool to analyze participant observation. Through research, it was found within the early childhood education teachers to consider extremely important work of environmental awareness, it contributes to the formation of a generation aware about their role as citizens. The topics covered on the environment are developed through the school project, which are developed through pedagogical practices, as well as jokes, games and fun activities, essential to be worked in early childhood education. These topics are covered in the school context in order to provide the knowledge and awareness of students in order to practice caring for the environment, citizenship and building values, seeking to show the importance of the care and respect that we should have with nature.