Cotidiano e sobrecarga das mulheres: reflexões sobre os espaços acadêmicos através da mediação do design e da comunicação em rede
2021-12-15Registro en:
GRUPP, Ynara. Cotidiano e sobrecarga das mulheres: reflexões sobre os espaços acadêmicos através da mediação do design e da comunicação em rede. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Design Gráfico) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2021.
Grupp, Ynara
This project aims to analyze and understand the routine of female academics, considering the normative character of gender-centered responsibilities and the intensified impacts during the Covid-19 quarantine period. The reflection starts from the analysis of the performance of women in academic, professional and personal activities, and their asymmetry when compared to the workload of male academics, considering the perspective of remote dynamics, an emergency solution opted to face sanitary confrontation in the pandemic, and in-person, adhered to in pre- and postpandemic contexts. Therefore, whither, when comparing responsibilities between male and female academics, women have equality? What mechanisms can help support female students in their mental and emotional dimensions within the sphere of their everyday organization? From the theoretical discussion on the subject, interviews and data analysis in the university context and focusing on design courses at the Federal Technological University of Paraná Campus Curitiba, within female graduate students aged between 18 and 24 years old, it is intended propose reflections on more positive experiences in the female academic environment. This project discusses the articulation of theoretical practical knowledge on the subject, from the perspective of physical and mental overload, with the use of design and network communication aimed at articulating a communication in support of women that goes beyond the instrumental purpose of design, besides the graphic proposals. Lastly, the intented support mediation was produced through digital communication, with graphic artifacts, a podcast and a live aimed at undergraduate female students from different areas.