Caracterização dos resíduos sólidos gerados na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Medianeira
2014-02-04Registro en:
BRESOLIN, Ana Cristina; DURKS, Angélica Fernanda; PIETROBON, Janine. Caracterização dos resíduos sólidos gerados na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Medianeira. 2014. 63 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2014.
Bresolin, Ana Cristina
Durks, Angélica Fernanda
Pietrobon, Janine
It is estimated that over five million tons of solid waste is generated in the world. At the origin of this problem, the increasing consumption of non-durable goods and the fast-growing process of population density within urban areas can be identified as the mainsprings, leading to a steady increase in volume of waste generated. In this respect, universities represent a fundamental role, by virtue of being compared to small urban centers, as they have diverse activities of teaching, research and extensions along with activities related to its operation, for instance, restaurants and convivial spots, in addition to residues that can be classified as industrial and of healthcare services. The characterization of these residues allows picturing a scenario of generation and, thereafter, proposition of more efficient measures of management. The general aim of this work was to perform a solid waste generation diagnosis at Federal Technological University of Paraná, in Medianeira. The institution currently offers 15 courses from technical to postgraduate programs, having a total of 316 civil servants and 1.873 students in 2012. The characterization was performed from the gravimetric composition of total waste generated in one day of operation in the campus, considering three shifts of operation. Three collections were made between the months of July and October in 2013 and the waste was categorized as organic, paper/paperboard, plastic, metal, glass, tailings and others. The daily average of waste generated was 268.0kg, indicating a per capita generation of 0.12kg/a day per inhabitant. It can be concluded from gravimetric composition analysis that, in general, only 12% of the total volume of residues would need to be sent to landfills. Therefore, it is evident the necessity of a program about recovering recyclable materials and nutrients coupled with source reduction initiatives and environmental education as fundamental elements for the success of a program that is suitable for solid waste management.