O uso do telefone celular com o aplicativo Whatsapp como ferramenta no ensino de matemática
2016-12-19Registro en:
SCHMITZ, Neuri. O uso do telefone celular com o aplicativo Whatsapp como ferramenta no ensino de matemática. 2016. 74 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2016.
Schmitz, Neuri
With the objective of identifying elements that justify the didactic use of telephone intelligent (Smartphones), we conducted a qualitative research investigating the trend of mobile learning, m-learning is seen that there is a shortage of studies focused exclusively on the use of the mobile phone as a teaching tool. Rescuing research on the theme in different areas of knowledge, this research discusses the use of cell phone device smart on the teaching of Mathematics by employing the application WhatsApp. We developed, therefore, a bibliographic search where we highlight how, currently, is seen the presence of mobile in the classroom, relation the teacher - student - cell phone, and still, the smartphone as technology in the classroom. As field work , we followed two groups WhatsApp compounds, by students of the third year of high School that have used the instrument as a tool for the study of Mathematics. On the face of it, we observe that the mobile phone can be an ally of great potential to meet the demands of the educational current. This device, with its potential, can become a pedagogical tool very powerful for a school that recently has been installing, known as Hybrid Education, because, with this device it is possible for the student have access platforms, such as Moodle, or Helpousts, which can be used in this model of education and that show it as the path that education will follow in the next few years. Experiences by teachers in Brazilian schools, with telephone intelligent, were also analyzed. In the face of several studies and groups who follow, we conclude that the use of pedagogical smart phone has the potential to revolutionize the communication between teacher and students as well as provide different approaches about the contents. However, we also observed in teachers a resistance to the presence of this instrument in the classroom for teaching purposes.