Projeto de retrofit de galpão de triagem de recicláveis visando baixo custo operacional
2017-07-03Registro en:
OKUBARA, Taise Fernanda. Projeto de retrofit de galpão de triagem de recicláveis visando baixo custo operacional. 2017. 89 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
Okubara, Taise Fernanda
This work brings projects that aim to adapt electrical and hydro-sanitary building systems, contemplating energy efficiency and rational water use measures. The projects containing these sustainability measures were developed for a warehouse which currently serves as a recyclable sorting facility. Around eleven people work in this warehouse, all of which are part of the “Associação de Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis Ilha”. The proposed energy efficiency measure was to design for daylightning and integrated it in an automated artificial lightning system. Therefore artificial lightning will only be used when daylightning cannot provide the necessary illuminance levels. When it comes to rational water use, the proposed measures are to reduce potable water consumption by the use of efficient plumbing fixtures, and rainwater harvesting as an alternative source for non potable uses. Energy and water consumption values for conventional eletric and hydro-sanitary systems were compared to energy and water consumption of the proposed projects designed with sustainable features. Energy consumption was reducted by approximately 30% (258,47kWh), which represents an economy of R$ 393,61 “reais” per month on the utility electricity bill. Water consumption reduction was of approximately 77% (7 m3), which represents R$6,57 reais per month of economy on the water bill. Recyclables sorting centers have an importante role in urban solid waste management, contributing to the creation of a more sustainable city. Sustainability, however, is not only about environmental issues – there are two other important pillars: social and economic sustainability. This work sought to improve the situation of the warehouse of “Associação Ilha” to make it a more sustainable business, in all senses of the word.