O desafio da inclusão no ambiente escolar: um estudo no município de Nova Londrina, PR
2014-03-26Registro en:
CORREIA, Clacy Somenzi. O desafio da inclusão no ambiente escolar: um estudo no município de Nova Londrina, PR. 2014. 45 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2014.
Correia, Clacy Somenzi
In the historical context of special education, it is evident in a pre-twentieth century period, segregation and deprivation of disabled people's social life. After this period, the acceptance shall be achieved through initiatives of deinstitutionalization and the increasing engagement of civil society and politics in education. Despite many achievements and discussions, we are still encountering great difficulties, especially those caused by stigma and prejudice about differences and inclusion. Thus, this study was conducted through a literature search and had as its theme discuss the challenge of inclusion in the school environment, having as main objective, to portray the history of the proposal of the inclusive school, discussing the reorganization of special education and reflecting on the importance of teacher education that contributes to the development of an education that respects diversity Addressing the historical trajectory of education of people with special educational needs , from segregativos calls to the inclusive processes , presenting some concepts necessary for understanding of what education is and how special frames that are served by special education subjects are identified. A field survey was also conducted in order to know the design of teacher and inclusive policy of the municipality sampled.