Análise de emissários da galeria de águas pluviais contribuintes do rio km 119 na região central do município de Campo Mourão, Paraná
2016-11-23Registro en:
SILVA, Rodrigo Gonçalves Ferreira da. Análise de emissários da galeria de águas pluviais contribuintes do rio km 119 na região central do município de Campo Mourão, Paraná. 2016. 62 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2016.
Silva, Rodrigo Gonçalves Ferreira da
In order to avoid problems caused by rainfall in the urban environment, such as flooding areas, occurrence of erosive processes and the degradation of water resources, a correct design of the storm sewer system is necessary to guarantee the withdrawal of water with appropriate speed and efficiency, which combined with the proper application of energy-dissipating structures at the outfall exit pipes of the storm sewer pipes can minimize the environmental impacts both in city centers and in catchment basins. The aim of this work was to evaluate eight outlet points of the storm sewer system in the municipality of Campo Mourão - Paraná, in order to record if there were significant environmental impacts at the exit of the pipes, such as erosion processes, water stagnation points and waste disposal, which can directly interfere in the quality of life of the inhabitants of that locality. In addition, five outfall pipes, from the eight evaluated, were arbitrarily selected in order to carry out the sizing of the system to determine if the pipeline design is consistent with the regional rainfall demand. The diameters of the outfall pipes were obtained through measurements during the on-site visit so the comparisons could be made. The outfall ending pipes were located through the storm sewer design plans provided by the Planning Department of the municipality and, along with Google Earth@ software and Excel@ software, following the steps described by Costa, Siqueira and Menezes Filho (2007), the redesign of the pipes was made possible. In this sense, only one of the outfall pipes presented the diameter with considerable discrepancy when comparing what was built to what was calculated in the present work. In addition, numerous environmental impacts were observed, directly related to the lack of energy-dissipating structures. Finally, the present work brings proposals to minimize the problems encountered.